Step into the world of a modern Recruitment Ecosystem is an end-to-end recruitment ecosystem that enables job seekers and job providers to find each other and collaborate effortlessly. We are partnering with all the Government and Private Universities and Institutes in Sri Lanka to conduct a graduate program to enroll all the students to our platform. We are in the process of enrolling all undergraduates categorized by their Faculties, Departments, Courses, and Batches. This makes us unique compared to other recruitment platforms in terms of the fact how structured our job seekers database is.

Unemployment Rate among Sri Lankan Graduates
Even after 2 to 3 years of Graduation - as per Tracer Study of Graduates by UGC
State University Females
State University Males
Non-state University Females
Non-state University Males
Irrelevant Employment Rate among Sri Lankan Graduates
as per Tracer Study of Graduates by UGC
Art Graduates
Agriculture Graduates
Management Graduates
Science Graduates
Architecture Graduates
Engineering Graduates

This is where steps in
We are on a mission to minimize unemployment, irrelevant employment, and unsatisfied employment in Sri Lanka. We are going to let the university students be aware of the job providers, their job opportunities, and the skill-set needed to grab those opportunities. Most university students get exposed to the job market only when they search for Internship opportunities., being a native Sri Lankan recruitment ecosystem allows them to be in touch with the job providers - even with the smallest of the startups.
"Not all geniuses are graduates". We are not just covering the university students. Anyone, who categorizes them as a "Job seeker" could join the platform to get all sorts of benefits - even the ones who already have a job. for the Recruiters
The recruitment process can't get any easier. helps you from reaching the potential candidates for your vacancies to get them onboard into the company.
Create an account for your company Post a vacancy - can be for the public or for a specific university or faculty or department Collect CVs and profile info from the candidates who applied for the vacancy Shortlist or reject the initial set of CVs and notify the candidates Arrange rounds of Interviews and finalize the candidates Onboard the selected candidates while giving feedback to the rejected ones Use the platform as a brand-building space to make the potential candidates look for your company vacancies

We are not just another online Job Board - we are way beyond them. Here is why you should choose

Companies can post targeted vacancies for specific sets of Job Seekers

Companies can shortlist, accept and reject the applicants within the platform itself

Companies can schedule and conduct online Career Fairs

Job seekers will get notified whenever a related vacancy or a Career Fair is posted on the platform